I have been convalescing


I had a catastrophic failure to my health on December 25th 2023. Without getting into too many details let me just say, at this time, I have had three major surgeries and several procedures and many hours of strengthening physical therapy. They tell me I am resilient, though I do not feel that way. Hindsight gives no clue that this affliction would try to take me. I can only deduce that having a healthy diet and lifestyle has most likely saved my life. The contacts I have made since moving to Minneapolis have probably forgotten my name. (I grin sardonically and shrug.)

In the mean time I have been taking life very slow and when I can I have been distributing free copies of, Tales of Eldelórne: Book One, all over the city in Little libraries and in coffee shops. They are registered as traveling books through the bookcrossing.com tracking system. If you find one, check in and say hello. Let me know if you like the story.

I fancy myself as a lowly storyteller. Tales of Eldelórne is a trilogy. It is all done. I am just now trying to find the energy to continue formatting book two so I can publish it or maybe slip it into a contest of two. In all reality I could really use some help right now but, just like you, I am used to holding my own in the face of adversity. Just wish me luck. I hope to meet you all someday at a book faire or maybe an event at the Literary Center. See you around.

Sincerely, Karleigh Bon

Monday, August 5, 2024

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