I am Passionate About Paranormal High Fantasy Realism and Romance Writing from the Heart!
“Sometimes cheeky, sometimes serious, these stories are decidedly an entanglement of emotion and adventure. My word craft is not only for entertainment, but to inspire and give readers something worth taking away from their experience; an opportunity to listen in and then come to your own conclusions about life’s little complexities.”
Meet Thendiel’s Clan…
“Born of red scales on wind and flame. Born of the earth and waters of sea. Forged in secrets lost to time, a ruler to rise beyond the night.” ~Second Age of Dragons
Hear the abridged story on the podcast, and learn some Elvish while you’re at it…
Inspiration’s Spot Light
Late night brainstorms, formidable challenges and things studied while word-crafting.
I have been convalescing
I had a catastrophic failure to my health on December 25th 2023. Without getting into[…]
Life is long but time is short. Such is the quandary of elves.
Life is long but time is short. Such is the quandary of elves.
Writing and Polishing: Short tips
You must untangle your inner-self’s fishing line of ideas so complete strangers visiting your word-scapes[…]
Original Art by Karleigh Bon
On Redbubble because they are a green cooperative company.
About Karleigh Bon
— Bon creates stories that express a balanced perspective about life, society and relationships while using fictional characters and she does it without being preachy. Her writing is most times a, “fun romp in disguise,” where the undercurrent of serious issues lays like buried treasure beneath the surface.
— There is a nuance and complexity to Bon’s narrative. Ideas of reconciliation and acceptance are steeped in gray areas rather than granting her characters true redemption. It suggests that her characters may not necessarily undergo an expected transformation or forgiveness but rather they find ways to coexist and try to understand each other better, despite their challenges or differences.
— A long-time sufferer of, more-than-just-annoying, allergy, Karleigh always says she is patiently waiting for someone to make her a robot horse so she can go riding again. Since 2014 Karleigh has worked over thousands of lines of AIML code. Her Fionna-bot comes “alive” on both the Discord server and through her website. Forever the entertainer, Karleigh still likes to break out her acoustic guitar now and then on stage or at a party.
“If I had to describe my stories in only two words I would hope you’d agree, enchanting, gritty fairytale, might cover it – oops, that is three words! I never was good at staying between the lines.” ~K