Tales of Eldelórne: Book Two


“The prophecy was restored by SONG, and so it was the light born secures the golden monarch. Eyes seeing beyond DREAM the unborn brings long war to an end and blood to a mother’s HEART.” ~The Monarch Prophecy, First Age of Awakening

Romance, adventure and the magical threads of high fantasy

“Tales of Eldelórne,” is like no other in the high fantasy genre in that while other stories focus on the grand hero action quest, “Tales of Eldelórne,” explores the great land of Ainghaille with all it’s dark secrets, weaving a deep tapestry of clan relationships akin to those found in Dianna Gabaldon’s Outlander series.

In this second tale in the Eldelórne Trilogy, Roevash, Eijlam, Naalin and Fionna find themselves neck-deep in more world-shaking trouble were nothing can be trusted. Is seems the gods themselves have gone mad, threatening to destroy everything that Thendiel’s clan and their friends had just fought for!

In book two we learn more about the life of young Thendiel herself, the tragic past of King Ellinduil and the kingdom he was born to. We will meet new friends, dragons and creatures from the mysterious Vilnask Mountains and of course unravel the mystery of the nine wizards.

My life has been a trial of learning that has brought me to this place,” Thendiel’s voice trailed away. She gazed at her mother who was trapped between the dark and light and then over at the frozen faces of her sons. Danger loomed over them all threatening their very existence. It was time to make a decision.~excerpt: Tales of Eldelórne: Book Two.

There is something for everyone in “Tales of Eldelórne.” The enchanting characters bring you into their lives and turn you into family. Look for the Premier Paperback version available in 2024.


Originally, Tales of Eldelórne was only meant to be a trilogy but now there are companion books! Spinoff novels are in the works; “Cael’s Compendium on lives of the Edhelath,” and “Thendiel’s stories for Elflings.” More titles to be add to the series, Taryn of Vehlevar, Naalin’s Sailing Adventures, and Dhruhindel. Also a four book series continuing the high fantasy flair but focusing on the six elven youths who were born to our main characters in the original trilogy.

Herio i hinnarn… let the stories begin. ~K

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