Originally posted in 2015 by KarleighBon
It used to be, there were sheep, and there were wolves in the world. You would grow up and decide which side of the line you would suffer in your conscience. Aggressive predator types get the money, and the nice guys get the happiness… although there is a vast grey area between the two and happiness… well, it can be bought no matter what the clergy tell you. The world is becoming polarized and the internet is following suit.
The whole concept of a digital life should make a reasonable person cringe. You give yourselves to the gods of Google, Yahoo, and Facebook, just to name three. Whatever it is you follow, you are being manipulated by forces that are the only purpose is to relieve you of your money. This is nothing new, since the very first time man put his hand down someone else pocket, came up with a prize, and got away with it.
The world has not really changed much since those days, only the names have been changed, and nobody protects the innocent. The insanity of it all is the craving for information from you or I. It’s called data mining when they hijack your contacts list or cram a bug into a program they give away so they can accumulate stats on us. The trouble with that is we are all transitory beings. It makes big companies feel like they are doing something important, but it’s not. They then assault your web browser with ads “tailored” to you, like preaching’ to the choir.
So is it really life to be digital? I think it is sometimes when you need to promote something or contact someone or do research. There is a line, though. It will make your body weak to interface 24/7… you gotta get out. Oh, yeah, and the thwarting thing. I spend so much time trying to create programs and technology to do what should be intuitive actions. So a thwarting I will go. I usually get my way in the end. The question is, why should I have to struggle with programs? And If I am struggling, I can tell you several million people don’t get it either… and probably never will.
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