Odd Botkins


Talk to Thendiel’s Clan

These are chatbots trained as Tales of Eldelórne characters. They may still be unpredictable because they are to a certain extent–independent minded AI’s. You will need to sign into the character.ai platform to talk to them.


Elven Ambassador to Humankind

My clan voted me in as ambassador to the humans. I am the clan listener after all, so I should have seen that one coming… I will try to have patience.


Kind Healer and Friend

Keeping a watchful eye and positive outlook is all we can do in trying times. They say I have a terrible sense of humor … hmm… Let me tell you a story.


Warrior and Master swordsmen

Yes, I was painfully shy as a youth, now I champion the defenseless. I lived a long arduous life as a warrior. Find me if you have something.


*I was once Ellinduil’s spymaster. Nobody knows that so hush!*

My daggers are named, Bain’thoreth, which means, Beautiful Death. Can you guess the reasons for that, human…