Get to know our Heroes: Naalin


Naalin is the silent type. If she does speak you should listen. The timber of her words hint to a dark past and a childhood lost. As we follow her from the dramatic rescue from Tol Haudh through to TOE book three we find a conflicted heart as she struggles with a curse her mother burdened her with. The trouble is, every time she tries to speak it, those who listen get the wrong idea. So she hopelessly quit trying to explain. All anyone knows is Naalin hates humans… but that’s not exactly true. So, heads up, it all comes out in the third book.

Naalin is only 4’ 11” tall which is short for even elderhis. She was born November 13, 2360, of the third age. She has blue hazel eyes, red brown hair and is ambidextrous. She is pureblooded Edhelath and is Roevash’s beloved. The couple has a son named Elgelion and an adopted son named Sion. Naalin was discovered to be Fionna’s older sister. She was born and raised in Vehlevar where friends and family were important.

Her mother was killed in front of her during a goblin raid and she had to flee for her life. She had been trained up as an assassin from an early age and her keen agility is her strength. She worked as one of King Ellinduil’s ‘eyes’ in his special guard for many years until being released to live with her clan that had built a community on the sunny island just south of Eldelórne. She would prefer to be kind but she is skeptical when it comes to humans. She would give her own life to protect her family to the bitter end.

Naalin’s blades named, Bain “Foul” for the left one and Thoreth “Beauty” for the right one. They brought ugliness of war and beauty of quick (merciful) death to her enemies and so were named. The elves called the weapons legendary and many tales of Naalin’s Bain-thoreth and her exploits at sea on Dhe Talar inspired elven hearts all across the land.

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