Tales of Eldelórne: Book One, is ready for you.


Hello Friends, After more than seven years, my first novel, Tales of Eldelórne: Book One, is ready for you. It is a tale of love, romance and of a displaced family that is nearly lost to misunderstanding. Unbeknownst to our beloved heroes, they are descendants of a mystical high order of Edhellim, with magical and powerful capabilities they have yet to discover. Will they be able to band together to save their ancient society that has been at war since the beginning of time.

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Tales of Eldelórne: Book One

After the disappearance of their mother, Thendiel, her two sons get separated leaving the eldest to wander the mortal realm of human-kind for centuries. Roevash, the eldest, is half-elven. His father was a soldier from beyond the Anin Angar Mountains where a race of giant humans come from. Roe suffers through anger and desolation in his journey among men at war, blaming only himself for all that has befallen his clan as he earnestly searches for his lost brother.

Thendiel’s youngest son, Eijlam, has been asleep in a manner of speaking. Caught up in the outer realm of Ilmatar he somehow found his way to his father’s sanctuary. EJ (the nickname his brother had given him as an elfling) is schooled in the ways of his father’s kind but this knowledge does not translate to the mortal realm leaving him with only a vague sense of his own power. He is returned to the mortal realm by forces that were set in motion from the beginning of time. Eijlam wakes confused and then angry but with the help of his new found friend, Fionna, he must learn, grow and overcome, as he will have to grapple with the deadliest threat in all creation, and it comes to him in the form of his own brother!

I wrote this book in an attempt to capture the sense of awe I feel when I stand and look up at the vastness of stars at night. We humans live in challenging times, but optimism is good for the soul and I firmly believe despite all the challenges sometimes bold innocents can prevail. So join me on this journey. There are dangers and dragons ahead and all manner of nightmare and dream. And at the end of this book I hope to leave you with a tingle down your spine, a sense of hope and maybe even a yearning to read more of the trilogy.

If you like, Lord of the Rings, Princes Bride, Harry Potter, Wheel of Time, or the land of Shannara, you will love this story!

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