Thendiel lived among the elves on the southern shores of the ocean just west of the Illianheni gardens in the Elven Grove. She married her beloved darjal’n, Marin of House of Alahiar, and became mother to her sons, Roevash and Eijlam.
As an elfling Thendiel learned all the normal things elves know in crafting and lore. Her clan heritage was that of the healers and through her mother’s lineage she also learnt the secret voice of tree-speak and could understand animals. She was introduced to a master wizard at the autumn star festival of Yavanni Elenea. He persuaded her to learn ancient gods magics and so became her mentor for many long years.
Her lessons ran deep into many lost arts of healing and discernment. She was even brought into the Ilmatar and shown the center of creation.
The wizards motives were unknown at the time but it would soon enough all come clear. Not long after stepping foot in the spirit realm she professes the end of the world through a troubling dream she kept having. The clarity of Thendiel’s DREAM sent tremors across the Ilmatar and set into motion the final playing pieces of the gods great game.
The young shy elfling soon grew into a beautiful elderhis, old enough for betrothal, but she did not seem interested in such a life as her studies kept her nose in her books. She eventually married outside her race to a gentle giant of a man. Marin was a brave and valorous warrior in the kings elite rangers. His sworn oath to protect the lands from all evil was their undoing as he was soon called off to war leaving Thendiel to bear their only son Roevash alone.
Trying to make the best for them after losing her one true beloved, Thendiel moved back to the Eldelórne to raise her half-elf son.
She gained her second name, “Aran’eliad” by knowing the ancient magics that would propel her into the realm of the elven spirits to retrieve King Ellinduil’s lost heart. The great elven king fell to an assassination attempt that took his beloved wife. Being heart bonded with her, his survival was next to impossible if it were’t for the strength of Thendiel’s SONG. She was revered among elves by the kings decree after that. She returned home to her son Roevash carrying inside her an unborn given to her by the gods. His name was to be Eijlam. Along with his brother Roe, he would grow to become the bearer of light for the gods.
Scandal seemed to always shadow her life among the elves. The quiet village existence was all she ever desired for herself and her family but her neighbors did not always make life easy for her or her sons. It was unfortunate they could not see the truth about Thendiel or the importance of her descendants. Long memory would soon prove her clan’s worth to both men and elves and the true mettle of Thendiel’s HEART, that is… if any in all creation survive to remember it. ~by Karleigh Bon, July 29, 2015
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